A lot

I am in some new places in my life. A lot has changed and I am just processing it all. On the outside, it doesn’t look like anything is too different, but I feel different on the inside. I’m re configuring everything that i have assumed in my life.

I am stepping into some new places. I am trying out never before even looked at type activities. I am recreating my life in the now; after all the things that have happened to me, after doing all the things people say I should, after Grant, after years of grief, after.

I’m contemplating ideas and lifestyles that have never been in the mix, people I would have never gotten to know, business ideas, parenting differently… all kinds of new. I’m rediscovering the world with new eyes.

I sold the house where my family was completed, where we were whole, full, together. Where most of the channel happened, where Grant moved away from, where I couldn’t move back to. More on that later.

I don’t know as much as I used to, yet I know more than ever before. I don’t have everything all figured out in order and planned, but I’m moving more forward than I have for a while. I’m new, changed, growing, choosing, having wins and loses, trying to keep it together but no longer bothered as much by the world falling apart.

I love being able to express my world here. I appreciate you all who read it.

Love ya.


Summer Break


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