Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

The Color White
Janae, Boys Janae Thompson Janae, Boys Janae Thompson

The Color White

White is my favorite color. I love to wear it, see it, decorate with it, feel it, surround myself with it, and everything I buy; my first choice is white.  Being the mom of 4 young boys and loving to wear white and have it all around is kind of a travesty.  Nothing stays white, but that is because it shows everything, which is part of my point.

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Evidence of Them, Evidence of Him
Boys, Janae Janae Thompson Boys, Janae Janae Thompson

Evidence of Them, Evidence of Him

Seems like a random picture right?! Let me explain why this picture is significant to me.  It’s 12 am and I can’t sleep.  My boys however, are thankfully all asleep. I relish the quiet of the house at this hour.  It seems to energize me when I should be sleeping.  Then, I hear Grant call, ‘Come outside.’ I think, ‘Of course you’re outside.’ That’s when I see this.

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