Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

Grant’s Last Day Alive
Grant Janae Thompson Grant Janae Thompson

Grant’s Last Day Alive

It started like every other day of our lives.  The ending was like no other day had been.   I will never get the events of that night out of my head. I will never get the feelings of that day out of my heart. The day, it couldn't have been a more tender and sweet last day.  Grant woke early and left around 6 am to go flying.  He loved the morning flight time, just as the sun was rising and the heat hadn’t hit yet.  It invigorated him. 

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Grant Lived for Tomorrow
Grant Janae Thompson Grant Janae Thompson

Grant Lived for Tomorrow

Grant grew up really poor. His clothes all came from a second hand store. For breakfast when he was young, his family had oatmeal with powdered milk diluted by half to stretch it to last longer.

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