Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

I Saw A Flash of Movement
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

I Saw A Flash of Movement

I saw a flash of movement. It was fast and it was dark. My oldest boy had just taken off on the one-wheel. I instinctively knew he was headed to the park. Anger flashed in my heart as I saw him fly down the street. He wasn’t wearing a helmet. It was dark. He was not wearing pants.

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Sleeping With Angels
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Sleeping With Angels

My little boy is sleeping next to me. Nearly every night one of my boys asks, “Mom, can I sleep with you?” The question always gives me conflict. I see you. A tiny person who wants to be close to the big person who makes you feel safe. Who is safe. The one who they know is their ‘home.’ I fully understand I am their safe place.

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Motherhood Never Sleeps
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Motherhood Never Sleeps

It’s 1 am on a warm summer night.

I’ve only been asleep for 90 minutes and I’m snatched from my beautiful deep sleep. I was finally in my dreamland where everything is peaceful. Where I rest and renew to have enough for the following day. The only place where I usually don’t remember that my husband is dead.

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