Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

Running Away Again
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Running Away Again

I had no idea where he was. It was late. He had no intention of coming back.  He left me.  He ran away, sneaky little guy. He’s 11 and gone.  He thought he had us all fooled and he thought could get away from his life.  I know that feeling, wanting to run, to get away from my life. 

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I Saw A Flash of Movement
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

I Saw A Flash of Movement

I saw a flash of movement. It was fast and it was dark. My oldest boy had just taken off on the one-wheel. I instinctively knew he was headed to the park. Anger flashed in my heart as I saw him fly down the street. He wasn’t wearing a helmet. It was dark. He was not wearing pants.

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Finding Grant
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Finding Grant

It was just after 11:30 now.  I’d called the police, I’d given them the description and GPS location. Now I was just waiting.  I sat in my bed pondering, “What is this?” It felt big. That’s why and when I finally texted Grant’s family.  Even though I did that, it was to include them in our experience, the reality wasn’t there in me. It hadn’t hit me yet. I just knew there was some story, some explanation that would make it all make sense like everything that had happened to us in the past. Somehow, something, someone would make it all better and okay.

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