Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

Now Is My New Home
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Now Is My New Home

 For too long I was looking for a home that doesn’t exist here. It’s the place where Grant is now.  I had been alive, but longing to be somewhere else.  A place I thought to be better than here.  What I didn’t realize was how much of here I was missing, longing to be there.  Now I see what I missed.  I see it fully now, because part of it is lost to me.  That’s a hard lesson to see what you had, only when it’s taken from you.

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My Mom Said I Would Die Young…
Grant Janae Thompson Grant Janae Thompson

My Mom Said I Would Die Young…

I like to say we went on our first date to Hawaii. It’s not totally true, but it is where we had our first kiss. It was the best first kiss I’d ever had, so I decided it would be perfect to end dating with the best and make it my last first kiss.

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