Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

Paying For Mistakes Part I
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Paying For Mistakes Part I

  I had put a rock wall up in the gym we had.  It might have been some sort of personal guilt mixed with fear and excitement for a new place. What I wanted was a place in my home where the boys could be boys and I could still see them, hear them and know exactly where they were. 

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Running Away Again
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Running Away Again

I had no idea where he was. It was late. He had no intention of coming back.  He left me.  He ran away, sneaky little guy. He’s 11 and gone.  He thought he had us all fooled and he thought could get away from his life.  I know that feeling, wanting to run, to get away from my life. 

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