Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

It’s So Good To Be Home
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

It’s So Good To Be Home

About 4 weeks before Grant died, he’d gotten into buying home décor for the new house.  He loved those little decorative plaques with messages of cliché sayings. The ones that are true, and everybody knows them. They’re positive. When you see them, you think ahhh… yeah that’s so true.  He bought several.  Usually on a Walmart trip with the kids, so they weren't exactly designer quality, but they were really nice.  I was impressed by the Walmart finds. 

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Last Hug
Grant, Janae Janae Thompson Grant, Janae Janae Thompson

Last Hug

Do you believe when someone dies they’re really gone?

And where do you think they go?

I’ve had partial answers to these questions. I know what I’ve been taught. I know what I believe about what I’ve learned, there’s some variance. Now I can add my recent experiences.

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I Knew Before I Knew
Grant, Janae Janae Thompson Grant, Janae Janae Thompson

I Knew Before I Knew

It was 9:30pm on July 29th. He’d promised to be home by 9:30. I looked at my phone as I snuggled in my bed with my 8 year old. He played Zelda and I read my book.

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Keep Dreaming Little One
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Keep Dreaming Little One

This little boy of mine, he just fell asleep next to me. I watch as his eyes close, then open and close again. A few more times and then they stay shut. His eyelashes floating down to the longest length you can possibly see. They are like the long wisps of feathers, hovering over his cherubic cheeks.

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