Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

Do I Really Believe What I Say? No, Not Anymore
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Do I Really Believe What I Say? No, Not Anymore

Back to that night in the park,  the one I remembered from two weeks before he died, it’s  haunted me since.  Why?  Because there is more to that night, the story and the last thing I said.  When I think back on how I used to think… wow… I can’t believe I said that 2 weeks before he died.  Do I really believe what I say? No, not anymore.  Not when I tell a lie I didn’t think was a lie then, but don’t realize it is until it’s too late. 

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Believing Lies
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Believing Lies

I watched Grant take off, off into the sky.  We were at the park.  It was our family routine.  We’d go to the park an hour before sunset many nights of the week.   Grant packed up the paramotor and I’d gather the kids. We’d head to the park where he’d unload everything. As he did, he’d draw a crowd who’d watch in awe as he set up and took off.   Showing us all it’s possible for man to fly.

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