Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

Paying For Mistakes Part I
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Paying For Mistakes Part I

  I had put a rock wall up in the gym we had.  It might have been some sort of personal guilt mixed with fear and excitement for a new place. What I wanted was a place in my home where the boys could be boys and I could still see them, hear them and know exactly where they were. 

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Believing Lies
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Believing Lies

I watched Grant take off, off into the sky.  We were at the park.  It was our family routine.  We’d go to the park an hour before sunset many nights of the week.   Grant packed up the paramotor and I’d gather the kids. We’d head to the park where he’d unload everything. As he did, he’d draw a crowd who’d watch in awe as he set up and took off.   Showing us all it’s possible for man to fly.

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I Remember He Wasn’t There
Janae, Grant Janae Thompson Janae, Grant Janae Thompson

I Remember He Wasn’t There

Grant was in Salt Lake, the place he chose to leave.  I was in Hurricane where he had moved our family, in the beautiful red rocks of Southern Utah.  He went back for SIV training.  It’s advanced paragliding training.  It’s the kind of training that’s supposed to give him extra refined skills and time to practice those skills needed in an emergency.  The kind of skills that should save your life in an emergency.  The kind of skills that should make it so you don’t die paragliding.  He took that training 6 weeks before he died. 

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Did You Know That Picture Was For Your Funeral?
Grant, Janae Janae Thompson Grant, Janae Janae Thompson

Did You Know That Picture Was For Your Funeral?

He took this picture after his last haircut.  He sent it to me to show off how clean cut and handsome he thought he looked with a new haircut.  He got his haircut every six weeks, on the dot.  If it went past six weeks, he’d complain incessantly till he got it cut.    I knew of his schedule.  I was gone for this hair cut, so he sent me a photo.  He was so proud to stay right on schedule. 

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