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Thank You For Praying

Ever heard the phrase, “You don’t know me, but I’ve been praying for you.” I’ve heard that so many times recently. And I know it’s true that people have been. I’ve felt the prayers, all of them. They’ve carried me.

One of my close friends gave me the phone number to her friend who I’d never met. I needed to talk to her about some personal business for which she had experience.

As I spoke with her on the phone, my story came out. My husband died last year, 4 little boys, etc. She said, “Oh I’ve heard about your story and even though you don’t know me, I’ve been praying for you.”

When she said that, I knew it was true. She had been praying for me. She and hundreds, maybe thousands of others who I’ve never met. When people who pray heard my husband had died, they prayed for him and us, his family. They prayed for me and for my children.

I have felt every one of those prayers. This woman who I’d never met or talked to before said, “I’ve prayed for you.” As she spoke, I felt in my body an energy moving through me. It moved into my heart and told me, it’s true. She has prayed for you and you’ve felt the power of her prayer, and the power of many others too.

Prayer is a power that expands itself exponentially.

  1. Prayer isn’t just one prayer, it’s the power of the heart in the person saying the prayer.
  2. Prayers aren't just doubling one prayer, it’s 1000x more powerful. It’s not the kind of math that is logical like 1+1=2. It's 1+1= infinity when it comes to prayer’s power.

I know that thousands of prayers have been said on my behalf because I’ve felt the power of even one prayer, my own. Before my husband died and since, I’ve felt my prayers answered and my life change in big and small ways.

Since my husband died, I felt the power of all the others prayers, praying for me and my children. It became a force that extended so far beyond me that I knew. A force that could only be through a miracle because of prayer. The fact that I could continue to exist in what I’d been asked to bear is the results so far.

I assure you I’ve felt your prayers. Whether I know you or not. Whether I’ve met you or not. Whether you told me you’ve prayed for me or not. I’ve felt your prayers. All of them. They have carried me. It was your prayers that saved me. So thank you for praying for me! I’m praying for you too.