Slam Rod Fire Starter Love Letter for Grant

Dear Grant, 

You’ve got the voice in this one, your recording voice. That’s what we called it.  It took time to develop it, but it’s a noticeable difference from the first videos.  I used to tease you when we relistened to those first videos.  You sounded so cute though.  

Then we cultivated your sound. We deepened your voice and gave it direction.  That became your “recording voice”   Oh how I love the sound of your voice.  

What is most amazing to me in this video, is that moment of ignition when the whole tube lights up seemingly out of nowhere. When it transfers all its power to the char cloth that catches the flame!  

It’s amazing how just pressure makes that flame.  There is nothing there, then all of a sudden, a burst of light.  And it’s gone just as fast.  What is left though, has the potential to kindle a flame as big as you can imagine. 

I remember how lit up you were about this one.  Ramming that rod for hours perfecting the speed and transference of fire.  And all for under a dollar!  Everytime it lit up, so would you. 
One day you asked me if I would save all the lint from the dryer for you.  I quizzically looked at you and smiled.  “Yeah, of course I will,” I said. And I did.  I still, even now, save the lint from the dryer.  I have a huge tub of it, just in case we need to make a fire. I know it would come in handy.  And also, part of me wants it, just in case you need it.      

Now looking at it, this whole concept reminds me of you. You are like my supernova. You came into this life quiet and without much.  All of a sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, you ignited.  Your passion blew up into a fire so unexpectedly bright that it caught the attention of so many.  Then just as fast, it was gone.  

Now, I see that I have to remember that you left kindling for us. You left ideas to share that are still in the hearts of millions. But most especially it’s my heart and the hearts of our boys.  I see you in them, and I wish more than anything that you could be here to make all these projects with them.  I wish you could show them the passion with which you lived. 

Life seems so much more simple and mundane without you. 
This project video reminds me of the exhilaration I felt everyday with you. 
Thank you for making this video Grant. 

I love you. 


Finding My Way


Ninja Balls Love Letter