Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

Grief Is A Powerful Detector
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Grief Is A Powerful Detector

Grief is a powerful detector of what you value. When tragedy occurs, the aftermath of grief causes everything else you thought was once important to fall away, sometimes instantaneously.

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Paying For Mistakes Part III
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Paying For Mistakes Part III

So what happened to my son to warrant him being so upset and running away because of this rock wall??  What could have possibly “made” him run away??  Well, let’s be clear, nothing made him run away, he chose to do that to cope with his feelings.  Here’s why.

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Paying For Mistakes Part II
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Paying For Mistakes Part II

Rhys’ additions to the wall didn’t end with his query into more changes.  He felt he could do it himself. I’m guessing that last part where I said we’d have someone come to help went into the abyss of information a child cuts from his consciousness once he hears the answer he wants.

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Knew That Was Coming
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Knew That Was Coming

It’s finally been said. I knew it would be one day. I wasn’t expecting it till the teenage years really, but it makes sense it’d be now. I think it’s something every parent will hear when the other parent is dead. Those words that cut deeper than any other phrase.

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Unconditional Love
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Unconditional Love

This little sign, it was a Valentine gift from one of my best friends.  It’s April.  We have that kind of relationship.  I’ll take a Valentine's gift any day of the year. I don’t expect anything on Valentines from her nor her from me, but we can give gifts any time and it’s beautiful to receive.

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He Died Doing What He Loved
Grant, janae Janae Thompson Grant, janae Janae Thompson

He Died Doing What He Loved

I remember we got so many sympathy cards the week Grant died.  It’s a beautiful thing for someone to send a card, but in the wake of the death of your husband with 4 small children still around, alive and now without dad; the last thing you want is any mail to open.  Every letter, every card is a reminder of what just happened. 

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Beautiful Alternate Reality
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Beautiful Alternate Reality

There’s a mother I know, she’s not what the world would consider beautiful on the outside. She’s pale, overweight, stressed, she struggles in her marriage and you can see hurt in her eyes when she looks up and tries to smile.  She believes in God, but feels like she’s not good enough for God’s standard, so her light dims. I can see the heavens shed a tear in the moment that the beauty of her life is missed.

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