Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

Stop Waiting
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Stop Waiting

I have some quiet time, but I never know how much.  I’m sitting here in my office, the one I designed.  Many things I could/should be doing, but I sit here.  I have a few minutes of precious quiet time with nothing to distract or interrupt.

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Heart Expansion
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Heart Expansion

What is a Broken Heart? I remember the first time I had a broken heart. When I really felt pain inside my heart. It was mild compared to what I’ve felt since then, but I didn’t know that yet. It felt like my world had ended.

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Hearts Everywhere
Grant, Janae Janae Thompson Grant, Janae Janae Thompson

Hearts Everywhere

I see hearts everywhere now.  WHY?  Well, as I walked away from the site where Grant crashed, Grant told me he’d send me hearts so I’d know he was watching over me.  He wanted me to know he was still loving me, even now that he’s not in this place where I am.  “Every time you see a heart, it’s from me,” were the words that came into my heart and mind from him while I was visiting the site of his last place alive and first place dead.

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Powerful You
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Powerful You

Imagine with me an alternate place…

A place that knows and reveals ALL things both in heaven and on earth and in the human heart as well. Would you want to be around or near this place? Would you dare to? Would you believe it was real? Would you want to know where this place is?  I would! 

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