Powerful You

Imagine with me an alternate place…

A place that knows and reveals ALL things both in heaven and on earth and in the human heart as well. Would you want to be around or near this place? Would you dare to? Would you believe it was real? Would you want to know where this place is?  I would! 

What if it wasn’t a place, but it was a tangible object; a box, or bag or bottle? Or a chest, you know, like a treasure chest but this object had a lock on it instead of a place to go and find? This chest when you open it up with the key, could show the truth of all things and people?  What if the contents of this open chest contain the gifts needed to answer any question, and give you your every desire, because it is the source of all creation?

This would be such a powerful tool! Such an object would need to be hidden, maybe even locked up because of its power. If it held the knowledge of EVERYTHING and all truth, it would need to be protected. If such a thing existed, would you want to find it? Would you believe in it? Would it hold any value to you?

What treasures could you imagine for yourself? What treasures would you create if you could receive anything from this magical chest?  And, it isn’t limited to just riches.  What kind of relationships would you want to create?  Who would you spend your time with?  What would you do on a perfect day?  Ohhh, imagine you could live that perfect day every day. What would your life look like?  Where would you go? 

Well, I have one of these magical chests. Contained within it are treasures of unspeakable value.  Do you believe me? Would you believe me if I told you, you have one too,  already in your possession? Your answer to this question of do you believe. it is the key that unlocks your own personal treasure chest.

We all have one, this treasure chest, hidden away somehow, somewhere. Finding the key is the quest if you desire to use it’s content to create with your own intentions.  In fact it is creating as we speak, but the question is, are you aware?  And if so, are you directing this creation?  Or is it just happening, unbeknownst to you?  

This chest is locked up because of the incredible power contained within. Sometimes its locked up because of unawareness, sometimes there are other keys to unlock it. To access yours, you must find it and unlock it, that’s it. Easy but hard. It can take a tremendous amount of courage at times on your journey to find and unlock it. 

If such a thing actually physically existed and could bring you all the desires of your heart; all the love, joy, happiness, excitement, fulfillment, abundance, limitless knowledge, experience success, wisdom, money, anything you desire bestowed upon you from within the contents of this magical chest, would you open it?

This chest hasn’t always been locked either, no, there was a time once when people knew of this knowledge freely and used it to create in now unimaginable ways.  It then became an unbalanced powerful as the greed of a few interfered with how the creation process naturally works. It went bad. 

One day it was shut, locked and hidden away in the pretense of non existence and silliness, no longer to be found in its power.  However, for those who seek truth, it can never stay hidden.  Once found, they can once again and always use its power. The seekers are sometimes scoffed at till the results in their lives manifest enough. For the unaware, it almost seems magical. 

Remember though, it has everything.  Meaning, it also contains the shadow to all these amazing wonderful joyous things.  There is much power in this too.  You see, you won’t know what wondrous things you have without a contrasting knowledge. Day has light and dark, books have insides and outsides. So, all the pain, sorrow, hurt, regret, failure, mistakes, ignorance, sadness and disappointment bring the ugly too. It shows the reverse so you can know and then appreciate the delightful parts better.  

Without the knowledge of the ugly, how can you know something is beautiful? You can’t. If it didn’t exist, you’d only know beautiful and therefore you’d know nothing contrary to the beauty and that would take all the beauty out of the beauty itself. You see, it must contain all to give all.

Now the exciting part of this whole process is, you get to choose from the chest what you want from inside it. This magical chest instantly bestows upon you your desire. Whatever you ask of it, it is given. Because of this, you must be deliberate, intentional, and purposeful in what you ask if you want to create what you truly want. Otherwise it will bestow upon you what comes along. In this life, if you’re not creating it, it has no other option than to give you what’s presented, and many times, it is the painful part, not because the awesome isn’t there, but because you don’t truly know what you want so you are being acted upon, rather than creating with intention. 

Even without creative intention, it bestows unintentional joy as well, but randomly like the pain. The chest is reliable and keeps giving even if you aren’t reliable with what you want from it.  If you want to have the element of direction with this power, you must choose it.

Here’s the truth, this magical place/box does indeed exist!  So, what if I told you I knew not only where it was, but what it was? And what if I knew how to use it? Even more importantly, how to unlock its power?  Have you guessed what it is already?  Do you know? Would you ask me where to find this mystical thing that could make all your dreams come true?

It could also make all your worst nightmares come too, and there is chest that is just for you and you only.  No one else can take yours. It’s sitting there waiting for you to use it. It’s customized exactly for you, and you already have this magical item. The question is, where is it now and have you unlocked it?  So… do you want to know where yours is?

It might sound simplistic, but, look within yourself.  There it is.   Do you have the courage to look? Would you look inside yourself  to find your one of a kind personalized magical treasure of creation, within your chest? It is literally contained within the walls of your ribs, hidden away safety, and right inside your chest cavity.  It’s your heart- truly, it is!  That’s what your heart is,  it is your power in creation.  It is what has created the life you have right now in this moment. 


When it is unlocked, and open to your greatness, it creates all you wish. That’s what it knows to do when it’s free to act per your directives. Unlock it. Open it and within you’ll find what’s in your heart is what creates your life. Only you have the key. When you know how to open it, it will bring you all the desires you can imagine. Remember it literally brings you what is in your heart because it is your heart.

Only you can choose to open it, explore it, believe it and use it to its fullest power and potential.  If it is locked and closed off, it will bring you more things that are painful, because it’s not being acknowledged nor allowed its natural magical expansion. An expanding heart is painful to contain or squeeze into a lessor place than it was built to be. Left to its own devices, without direction, it becomes chaos. 

Look around at your life, see what it is that your heart has created for you so far. What you see in your reality is the evidence of who you are and what has come from the true desires in your heart. You are not defined by your circumstances, other people, or anything else outside of you.  All your personality, power and purpose is held within.  You can change everything around you through your heart while it is open. It will guide you to literally everything you want, if you’ll listen to it, but only if you have the courage to listen.

When you guide your heart, your life comes into alignment with your desired happiness, to give you your version of perfection.  To do this, you need to create intention, direct your energy, so your heart can direct its creative powers into that which you specifically want. You will receive, it’s impossible to not. It becomes real. If you don’t understand this and don’t allow it to guide you, or worse yet, you react to it, real danger is eminent in what is created in your life. It becomes tragic.

This New Year of 2021 is a new start, a new world, a new time.  A new space to create something epic.  What will you make of it?  How will you let your heart guide you or how will you guide your heart? How open and powerful will you allow it (you) to be?

This year I know how powerful my ability is to create, because in the face of the greatest tragedy I’ve ever known, I’ve created using my open and closed heart.  With one of the greatest losses a family might endure, I see how creating something better out of the bitterest of pain is possible, and it was my heart that showed me.  My heart guided me to see the beauty in the pain and then go on to create beauty from the ugly ashes of what was destroyed. 

This New Year, it is a new start.  Again.  It always is.  Every day is that gift, not just the New Year, but the New Year is a potent reminder that time will pass whether you do anything or not. Here is your choice before you.  Unlock the power to your own creation or keep it hidden. The choice is once again before you.

Happy New Year!


Dreams Come True


Choice And Change