Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

Disneyland Again
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Disneyland Again

Disneyland - The saddest place on Earth… Grant promised us we would go to Disneyland as a family. He died before we could ever make that happen. Because we promised the kids, I felt like I needed to keep that promise to them.

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Flowers For Mom
Boys Janae Thompson Boys Janae Thompson

Flowers For Mom

My son comes in with flowers for mom. Dandelions. That beautiful bouquet of dandelions!  My heart melts each time I see it. And to have that little plastic heart ring around one of the stems is so precious. Then when I look at him, he’s just gorgeous.  I am biased, yes, I know.  I’m his mom.  So I will be and it’s ok. 

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