I Am A Woman

I am grateful to be a woman.  Yes, I love chocolate. I can be moody and I definitely have scuffs on my wheels from just barely miscalculating that curb… and really, that is not just a woman thing… let’s be honest now, men do it just as often. 

I am a powerful woman.  I am small in size, but powerful in every way.  I am not afraid. I am brave.  I know I can accomplish anything.  I am a Woman.  Because of the history of Women’s rights, I am living a life unlike most women in the history of the world.  I am blessed to be a woman. 

The heart of a woman is creation.  Because of the body I have as a woman, I have created 4 people.  Four little boys grew in my body.  Each of them had their time and my belly grew as their life began.  I gave my body to them, because I am a woman.  I gave birth to each one through the channels of what a woman is physically.  It was painful and hard and of course I did it because I am a woman. 

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Each one of those babies turn to me with mouths searching and I feed them and nourish them; once again, because I am a woman.  My body turned my blood to milk to feed them and they continue to live because I am a woman.

I wouldn’t become a mother without a man.  Their father held me so close and cherished me. His touch created life within me because I am a woman.  My body cycles through chemicals and the emotions that coincide. They all represent the phases of creation, reminding me each month that I am a woman and I create life and nourish life and am life. 

With the mind I have as a woman, I have learned. I understand and know how to do incredible things that have changed the world in ways only I could.  I walk with a quick step, multi task and smile as I do it all.  As a woman, I have more to orchestrate than you can imagine.

In this world, I own property and manage it. I own a business and run it. I make business deals and drive commerce. I vote. I pay taxes. I am a writer. I am an artist. I am a lover. I run a household.   I maintain vehicles and drive them.  I make dinner for my children and love each one of them.  I read books and write them. I kiss owies better and take care of the yard.  I laugh, I cry, I feel, I know, but mostly I love.  All this because I am a woman. 

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I have been widowed, because I am a woman.  I work to support my family and I do it all as a woman without a man.  In another world, all the things I do wouldn’t be possible. It’s not because I’m not capable, but because the history of women and our rights has been an evolution, a discovery.  A discovery of this power contained within these beautiful, soft, curvy and usually smaller bodies than our male counterparts. 

As a woman, I create with my great heart.  I am a perfect representation of the very beginning of life.  What begins as human life, only inside a woman, is what represents the possibility of that same woman’s potential.  It is limitless.  I draw to me the power of love, creation and ability through the tenderness in my woman heart.  I give from my heart; love, understanding, and compassion as I use my heart to navigate this life. 

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I am grateful to be a woman.  I am grateful for the way I was made. I’m glad for the heart I have and the way my body works.  I am especially grateful for how my mind works and bringing all these aspects together creates a power. This power, when given it’s opportunity can create and accomplish and maximize every aspect of life into its greatest potential. 

I am grateful for the women who have come before me.  The ones who have stood up for their potential and created out of that our rights.  And because of that, I am a woman who has no limits to what I can do, create and become. All as I shape the lives, hearts and minds of 4 little men. 

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Because of the history of my sisters, I am a single woman who is a mother with the right to vote and have property in my own name. I write and my voice is heard in my own name.  I run a business and provide jobs for men and women to support their families.  It is a beautiful circle of life that is created. 

We’ve all created as women.  Because I am a woman, I am powerful and I am limitless.  I am here now, living in a world that celebrates the capacity of life.  Thank you sisters, thank you all for being the woman you are. Thank you for giving me the life I have to create a better world. And I create because I am a woman. 


Angry, Tired and Happy


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