Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

I Am A Woman
janae Janae Thompson janae Janae Thompson

I Am A Woman

I am grateful to be a woman. Yes, I love chocolate. I can be moody and I definitely have scuffs on my wheels from just barely miscalculating that curb… and really, that is not just a woman thing… let’s be honest now, men do it just as often.

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Powerful You
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Powerful You

Imagine with me an alternate place…

A place that knows and reveals ALL things both in heaven and on earth and in the human heart as well. Would you want to be around or near this place? Would you dare to? Would you believe it was real? Would you want to know where this place is?  I would! 

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Now Is My New Home
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Now Is My New Home

 For too long I was looking for a home that doesn’t exist here. It’s the place where Grant is now.  I had been alive, but longing to be somewhere else.  A place I thought to be better than here.  What I didn’t realize was how much of here I was missing, longing to be there.  Now I see what I missed.  I see it fully now, because part of it is lost to me.  That’s a hard lesson to see what you had, only when it’s taken from you.

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How Am I Doing? Don’t Ask Me
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

How Am I Doing? Don’t Ask Me

Please stop asking me how am I doing, I have no answer.  Friends and family close to me are often asked, “How is Janae doing?” by others who know me. It also comes from those who are thinking of me and have heard my husband died, thus leaving me with 4 little boys.  I think people want a connection to me within this raw reality, or a reassurance that I’m ok, but somehow they don’t feel able to ask me themselves. 

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