Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

Giving Up Good
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Giving Up Good

I used to obsess about the outcome of things in my life. I always wanted things to turn out “good.” I don’t believe in “good” or “bad” anymore. Sure I still use those words occasionally, but not in the same way or with the same belief that my experiences or outcomes are good or bad.

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Unconditional Love
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Unconditional Love

This little sign, it was a Valentine gift from one of my best friends.  It’s April.  We have that kind of relationship.  I’ll take a Valentine's gift any day of the year. I don’t expect anything on Valentines from her nor her from me, but we can give gifts any time and it’s beautiful to receive.

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Crumpled In Heaven’s Hand
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Crumpled In Heaven’s Hand

It puzzles me as to why people think because I seem to look like I’m fine that I am indeed fine. When I converse with people, we talk about the weather, kids, the craziness of life with Covid and everything else. As if everything is normal and fine. I’m not fine.

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Now Is My New Home
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Now Is My New Home

 For too long I was looking for a home that doesn’t exist here. It’s the place where Grant is now.  I had been alive, but longing to be somewhere else.  A place I thought to be better than here.  What I didn’t realize was how much of here I was missing, longing to be there.  Now I see what I missed.  I see it fully now, because part of it is lost to me.  That’s a hard lesson to see what you had, only when it’s taken from you.

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Smiling In Pain
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Smiling In Pain

The first Saturday after, August 2, 2019, we held a Celebration of Life. It was one of 3 events held to honor my newly passed on husband, Grant Thompson. This was the first Celebration we held of Grant’s Life. It had been 5 days. Grant died that prior Monday. At this point I didn’t know if my own world was real anymore. I was in total shock and that had been since the moment they told me, “Your husband is deceased.”

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