Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.

Love is a Wild Thing
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Love is a Wild Thing

Love is a wild thing.  No really.  A WILD THING. It’s amusing to me how it seems that so few people really understand something we are all continually seeking to find. A desire so dear and tender to the heart; love, acceptance, belonging, hope, in a relationship with another… Love.

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Unconditional Love
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

Unconditional Love

This little sign, it was a Valentine gift from one of my best friends.  It’s April.  We have that kind of relationship.  I’ll take a Valentine's gift any day of the year. I don’t expect anything on Valentines from her nor her from me, but we can give gifts any time and it’s beautiful to receive.

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I Remember He Wasn’t There
Janae, Grant Janae Thompson Janae, Grant Janae Thompson

I Remember He Wasn’t There

Grant was in Salt Lake, the place he chose to leave.  I was in Hurricane where he had moved our family, in the beautiful red rocks of Southern Utah.  He went back for SIV training.  It’s advanced paragliding training.  It’s the kind of training that’s supposed to give him extra refined skills and time to practice those skills needed in an emergency.  The kind of skills that should save your life in an emergency.  The kind of skills that should make it so you don’t die paragliding.  He took that training 6 weeks before he died. 

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My First Angel Picture
Janae Janae Thompson Janae Janae Thompson

My First Angel Picture

You can believe everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle. I see everything as a miracle. A little baby finds a flower perfectly formed and picks it to show mommy its beauty. Look at this!  He’s seeing it for the first time in awe.  And his impulse is to share it with the one he loves.  That’s a miracle. And his face, that reveals what he sees as a miracle.  Remember that everything can be a miracle if you want to see it that way.  That’s how you get to choose.

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