Living is a whole new adventure when you suddenly find yourself alone, widowed and the mother of four young boys a lot like their Dad.
Slam Rod Fire Starter Love Letter for Grant
You’ve got the voice in this one, your recording voice. That’s what we called it. It took time to develop it, but it’s a noticeable difference from the first videos. I used to tease you when we relistened to those first videos. You sounded so cute though.
Ninja Balls Love Letter
This is what started it all… it’s not the first video listed on TKOR; but it’s the first video we did that began our life of making videos. We did this project first in the backyard of our neighbors house. We didn’t have a backyard of our own yet.
A Sadness So Deep
How deep is sadness? So deep that is there a comparison to think of? I haven’t really allowed myself to feel sad. The other day I felt sad and I let myself feel sad. And it was a sadness so deep I didn’t know how big sadness could be.
It’s Always the Man
It's always the men who call. When there’s a problem with any of the boys in the neighborhood, it’s the dad who calls me. When there is a business, transaction or interest its always the husband who calls me. What they don’t know but I noticed is that it’s always the man.
Disneyland Again
Disneyland - The saddest place on Earth… Grant promised us we would go to Disneyland as a family. He died before we could ever make that happen. Because we promised the kids, I felt like I needed to keep that promise to them.
When Your Life Feels Stable
My home is my beautiful and safe space where my heart is. The stairs of my home are like the portal to the different parts of my home with different meanings for life. Every step down, one after the other, my feet are met with stair after stair until I reach the bottom.
Next Podcast Please
As I have mentioned before, a lot is currently being created right now in my life. I’m getting more out there, being me. I feel more like mysef than ever before. This is one of the earlier podcasts I’ve been part of and yet, it’s an important one.
Fear Is Human
Fear is one of the most significant obstacles in life. It can hold us back from achieving goals, taking appropriate risks, and pursuing our dreams. When we learn to face our fears and overcome them, that ability opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
Podcast-Lemonade Stand Stories
I am moving forward in several ways, all of which I will talk about in the coming months. As usual I am up to something. Come check out one of the podcasts I have done…
This Week
This week I am at a conference and I have been working on a series of blogs about Love. I just didn’t feel like I have fleshed out the depth and breadth of what I wanted to say when it was time to make the post live, so instead of giving you something surfacey and not worth your time; I decided to just tell you straight up.
I Had a Dream
I had a dream that Grant came back, like came back right now. I dreamed that he came back to the life I have now. In the dream he hadn’t been dead but it was more like a pause for him.
“I Love You Dad”
This picture was taken just a few days after his daddy died. He kept trying so hard to do the sign. I was watching every single finger move up.
Mexico With My Kids
Can I do this? I keep asking myself this question. Over and over, about everything I do or want to do in life since becoming a single parent of 4. I wanted to take my kids on a trip. Can I do this? No, I can’t, but I will.
How I Do It
I dunno how you do it. I get that all the time. When someone finds out my husband died; I’m raising 4 boys, I’m keeping up with a business, a household and about a million other little things that go along with it. That's what I hear a lot.
The B.S. of Surrender-Grieving Part V
Surrender? Oh what bullshit! A lovely idea, surrender and things just seem to magically fall into peace, and you’ll feel better. It’s not that simple.